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Tips on boosting your libido

Tips on boosting your libido



Everyone’s libidos are different, and that’s completely normal. Libido, or sex drive, refers to the desire to engage in sexual activity. Libidos depend on several factors such as anxiety, relationships, health concerns, and age. 

While low libido is not usually a cause for alarm, it can affect relationships and self-esteem. Low libido is a common occurrence but it’s still considered taboo to talk about, with some shame and secrecy surrounding it. But the discourse is changing, more and more people are talking about topics such as masturbation and feminine wellness, and the same is happening for libidos. 

Causes of lower libidos 

There are many reasons a person could have a lower libido. Some include:

  • Menopause: Sexual hormones like estrogen decreases during menopause, causing a decline in sex drive and arousal.
  • Mental health: Studies have found that those with mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may have a higher risk of sexual dysfunction, leading to decreased sex drive.
  • Obesity: Some research suggests that there’s a link between obesity and a lower sex drive.
  • Chronic conditions: Conditions such as diabetes and heart disease can cause sexual dysfunction and by extension, decreased sex drive due to a mix of nerve damage and psychological effects (self-image and fatigue). 
    • Relationship satisfaction: One study found that relationship satisfaction had a direct correlation with libidos.
    • Medication: Medicine like antidepressants may cause a decreased sex drive. 
    • Hormonal contraceptive: Contraceptives like rings, injections, and implants may also decrease libido.

    How to increase female sensitivity naturally

    Manage anxiety 

    If your low libido is due to anxiety, managing it may help increase your sex drive. There are many things that people can do to manage their anxiety, including making time for a favorite hobby or talking to a therapist.

    Improve relationship quality 

    It’s normal for sexual desire and frequency to vary throughout a relationship, usually after being with someone for while or if things are not going well in the relationship. Focusing on improving the relationship can increase libidos. Try date nights, open communication, and quality time with each other. 

    Focus on foreplay

    For women, foreplay may be especially important. According to research, only around 18% of women orgasm from intercourse alone, while 37% report clitoris stimulation is necessary to achieve orgasm.

    Get quality sleep

    A study revealed that women who reported longer average sleep times also reported higher arousal than those with shorter sleep times.

    Do pelvic floor exercises

    A study illustrated that doing pelvic floor exercises may be useful in women.

    Maintain a healthy weight 

    Maintaining a healthy body weight can help increase libidos, in terms of physical (increasing hormones such as testosterone) and psychological (increasing body confidence). 

    Try therapy 

    Addressing any emotional or psychological responses to sex can help increase low libidos. Speaking with a professional can help address issues such as self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. For those in relationships, counseling can help address any issues that may be affecting sexual desire.

    While low libido is generally not a cause for concern, you know your body best. If you feel that there was a sudden or inexplicable change in your sex drive or you’re concerned, speak with your doctor.  

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