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Ideas for socially distanced acts of kindness

Ideas for socially distanced acts of kindness

Because the world could always use a little extra kindness

MP Edition 056

Amid a global pandemic, our interactions with friends, family, and strangers look a bit different these days. Being kind to others (and yourself!) can help you feel better. Studies have shown that when you give back to your community, you reap benefits like lowered stress, decreased risk of depression, and longer life span.

While social distancing and staying home are crucial right now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be kind. There are many ways to exercise your altruism while still staying 6ft apart and without having to break the bank. Read on for inspiration and ideas of socially-distanced acts of kindness. 

Simple acts of kindness

Donate to food banks

While volunteering in person might not be feasible right now, you can make donations - either financially or food items. Make sure you check your local food bank’s website before you drop by.

Support small businesses

Small businesses everywhere have been hit hard during the pandemic. Many have had to adapt and take their businesses online. So if you have the means, consider buying from a small business the next time you shop or get take-out. If there’s nothing you need at the moment, you can buy a gift card to use later. And finally, if you don’t have money to spare, you can still support small businesses. Leave a stellar review for your favorite local stores or restaurants. Positive reviews help small businesses improve their discoverability and credibility online - and it doesn’t cost you a thing!

Don’t stockpile

It’s human nature to want to feel secure and have everything you need, especially during a pandemic. But there’s a difference between having what you need and hoarding. One of the biggest ways we can be kind to each other is by not buying more than we need. Demand is high right now, especially when it comes to essential items like toilet paper and disinfecting products. Grab enough for what you need at the moment, and leave the rest for someone else.

Reach out to your neighbors

During this time of social distancing, it can be hard for people who live alone, elderly citizens, or even people with compromised immune systems. Consider leaving a note for your neighbors with your contact info to let them know they can contact you if they need any assistance.

Buy something off a teacher’s wishlist 

Too often, teachers often have to pay for classroom supplies out of their own pockets. Many teachers have Amazon wishlists of supplies their classroom needs. If you can, buy something off a teacher’s wish list.

Write encouraging notes

Write an encouraging note with sidewalk chalk outside, put up a positive sign in your window to brighten people’s days, or consider sending a handwritten card via snail mail to someone you miss.

Practice self-care

The most important act of kindness you can give is the kind you give to yourself. Don’t discount what you need to do to take care of your mental health and well-being. Be sure to make time for self-care every day, however, that looks like to you.


Check up on friends, family members, or colleagues you haven’t heard from in a while to make sure they’re doing ok.

Thank mail carriers, delivery people, healthcare workers, and teachers

Leave a note in your mailbox to thank delivery people for their hard work. Thank your child’s teacher for all that they do to adapt to distance learning during this time.

Be friendly to strangers

While it’s hard to smile with a mask on, you could always give a friendly nod or work on your smize when you’re out.

Give blood

If you are in good health, giving blood is a great way to help out your community.

Pick up litter

Let’s remember to be kind to the earth as well.


Recycle your old clothes or toys and donate to charity.

Pay for the person behind you 

It’ll make someone’s day.

Stay home

Lastly, the kindest thing you can do during this pandemic is to do your part: stay at home and practice safe social distancing. This will help protect yourself, your bubble, and your community.

Right now is the perfect time to show our support for one another while social distancing. 

Stay kind. Stay strong. Muff Love. ♥️