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What is a Yoni egg and what are the side effects of using them?

What is a Yoni egg and what are the side effects of using them?

Yoni eggs, or jade eggs, became super popular in the last few years thanks to wellness brands who gave this ancient technique a resurgence. It’s been lauded to help with everything from alleviating period cramps, to improving orgasms, to helping with bladder leaks but is it safe to use?

While yoni eggs claim to offer many benefits, the validity of these claims has yet to be backed up with scientific proof. In fact, Gwenyth Paltrow’s Goop was fined $145,000 in 2018 for making unsubstantiated marketing claims about the jade eggs they sold on their site. 

What is a yoni egg?

Simply put, yoni eggs are crystals that you insert into your vagina. The crystal is often jade which is why they’re also frequently referred to as jade eggs. ‘Yoni’ means “abode”, “source”, “womb”, or “vagina”and is the symbol of the Goddess Shakti in Hinduism. 

What does it do?

The yoni egg has been marketed to provide benefits like strengthening the pelvic floor, enhancing sexual pleasure, balancing hormones, as well as promoting the health and wellness of organs such as the bladder and uterus. 

What are the side effects of yoni eggs?

They’re linked to many medical risks, and they aren’t prescribed or approved by doctors to treat pelvic floor dysfunction of any kind (e.g. leaking or pain during sex).

One of the most common misconceptions about yoni eggs is that they can be used for Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. However, yoni eggs are made of crystals, so these aren’t exactly light objects that you’re putting in your vagina. Many people think that leaving them in your vagina for long periods helps to strengthen your pelvic floor. But what that achieves instead is muscle fatigue, which can lead to soreness and pain, as well as exacerbate other issues like damage to the tissue between your vagina and bladder or rectum. 

The fact that the surface of yoni eggs are porous poses a health risk. This means the eggs are covered with tiny holes and cracks that bacteria can settle into which makes them super hard to clean. And when you put it in your body, it can lead to infections like toxic shock syndrome, especially if left for long periods. Your vaginal environment is made up of a delicate balance of both good and bad bacteria. Yoni eggs can potentially introduce an excess of bad bacteria, throwing off your pH balance which leads to infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections

Another risk of using a yoni egg is if it gets stuck in your vagina. Some come with a string attached to them for easy retrieval but if there’s no string, using a yoni egg may result in an unpleasant trip to the emergency room. 

Lastly, there’s also the risk of scratching or harming the walls of your vagina during removal. 

All in all, because of the medical concerns associated with yoni eggs, it’s best to steer clear. If you're looking to strengthen your pelvic floor, there are other safe and effective ways to do so. Check out our post on vaginal exercises by The Vagina Coach, Kim Vopni. And if crystals are your jam, best stick to the ones that remain outside your body to be safe. 


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