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While most cities have started rolling out phases for businesses to reopen and slowly lifting restrictions, we’re all still going to have to do our part and spend more time than usual at home this summer until we get the all-clear. 

It’s hard to believe that it’s been just over 3 months since we all collectively started social distancing. You might be running out of ideas for things to do, and you’re not alone. But first, we want to say: it’s completely OK if you aren’t at peak performance during this time. This is not time off or a vacation, it’s a pandemic. In some ways, this time has forced all of us to hit that much-needed pause button, slowing ourselves down.

However, the fact of the matter is that while this slower pace of life is welcomed, it can be tough for some of us to fill this extra time we’ve been given, especially as the weather gets increasingly irresistible and we have to restrict our activities. It’s important to stay positive, but it’s also easy to feel frustrated, lonely, worried, or upset. 

Whether you’re looking for something to pull you out of a funk or are just simply looking for something new to do, check out our roundup of what to do during this quarantine below. 

Be an ally

Given current events, we would be remiss if we didn’t mention this. We all have a part to do in dismantling the systemic injustice that has been occurring for hundreds of years. We have a duty to listen and to support Black voices and stories, learn and reflect on our own unconscious biases, and have uncomfortable but necessary conversations with family and friends. Activism has many lanes. If you’re not able to go out and protest, consider donating. If you don’t have the means to donate at the moment, there are many other things you can do to be an ally. #BlackLivesMatter

Have a picnic

… a properly socially-distanced picnic of course. With the weather warming up, the call of the outdoors and fresh air can be increasingly hard to ignore. Pack a picnic basket and explore a less-popular park, making sure to keep your distance from other groups. Or try having a picnic where everyone is 6 ft apart. 


Exercise releases all those feel-good hormones so it’s a no-brainer that moving your body will help boost your mood. It can help manage your anxiety and stress levels. Go for a run or a long walk, or try these online at-home workouts if you would rather stay in.


Reading can transport you to another world. We’ve rounded up a list of recent releases that you need to put on your to-read list ASAP. Check it out here.

Binge a show

If you don’t feel like cracking open a spine and reading, TV shows are just as effective in taking your mind off things for a little bit. Good thing there’s a plethora of shows to watch at your fingertips. Check out our round-up of shows to binge.

Cook or bake

Quarantine has brought out the baker in a lot of us. We’ve lost count of how many times we’ve seen banana bread, carrot cakes, and bread grace our social feeds. Whether you’re cooking or baking, creating something with your own hands can be very therapeutic.

Paint or draw

Similarly to making food, tapping into your artistic side can be cathartic as well. Exercise the right side of your brain and unleash your creativity. It can be a very therapeutic outlet. It doesn’t matter if you have no formal training or experience, just grab some paint and see where it takes you - this is just for you.


When there are a million things going on in the world, there has been no better time to start meditating. It’s not for everyone but it can help calm your thoughts and bring you some peace throughout your day. There are many apps to guide you through meditations these days. Try Calm or Headspace.


If writing is more your speed, try journaling. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. You can try using a 5-minute journal to jot down your thoughts and gratitudes every morning. Plus, this is an unprecedented time, you might want to read and remember how you felt during this pandemic in the future. 

Foster an animal

Animal shelters need our help more than ever right now. If you have the means and time to foster an animal, consider reaching out to your local shelter and adding to your family. 

Have a spa night

Sometimes you just gotta do an at-home spa night, you know? And that doesn’t mean you have to get super fancy - it can be as simple as throwing on a hydrating face mask and hopping into a hot bath or doing some vaginal exercises and taking care of your muff. The important thing is you do you.

Do a puzzle

Much like painting or coloring, puzzles are extremely soothing and have many benefits for your noggin. Puzzles have been a staple activity for many during this quarantine. Here’s a roundup of the best puzzles for adults. And then pay it forward when you've completed the puzzle by giving it to your friends and family.

Do happy hour or game night

I think we all know the importance of staying connected to loved ones virtually while we’re physically distancing. If you haven’t already, try spicing up these check-ins. Do a virtual happy hour with the girls or fam game night with House Party or JackBox.

Learn how to make cocktails

If you can’t go out to a bar, the bar will have to come to you. It’s prime time to learn how to whip up your favorite cocktails. Learn how to make the classics and you can be your own bartender during those virtual happy hours.

Support local and small businesses

If we’re being honest, we’ve definitely done more online shopping than usual lately, and we have a feeling we’re not alone. Next time you’re window shopping, opt for supporting a local or small business instead of retail behemoths like Amazon. Most of them have adapted and taken their stores online, and your sales would mean a lot for them.

Practice self-care

Lastly, practicing self-care sounds obvious but it can be easy to forget. Whether you’re a parent who has needed to take on the role of teacher, you‘ve been feeling extra anxious, or you’re having trouble adapting to working from home lately, it’s important to remember to check in with yourself daily and do what feels right for your mind, body, and soul. Do whatever makes you happy - knit, play instruments, grow a herb garden, or do nothing at all. 

Use this moment of pause to slow down, listen to yourself, and find out what you need. Remind yourself that it’s OK to not be productive and do whatever you need to do to survive this pandemic. Whether that’s starting a hobby that brings you joy, spending some much-needed downtime time with your family, reading, exercising, or meditating - what each of us needs will be different. 

Stay home. Stay safe. Safe strong. Muff love.